Citywide Festival of Learning 2025
The Citywide Festival of Learning is an immersive annual professional development event that brings together early educators to share innovative teaching practices through interactive presentations and posters. Funded by the SF Department of Early Childhood (DEC).
This year’s Citywide FoL will take place Friday, May 2, 2025, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm at the Milton Marks Conference Center, 455 Golden Gate Ave SF, CA 94102. Register below to join as a participant!
Presentations from educators and leadership on their year of documentation and learning from preschools around San Francisco Shared in language-specific breakout rooms (English, Mandarin, and Spanish.)
Physical posters from San Francisco early childhood educators document learning, growth, and reflections as they work with children and families. Posters are in Chinese, English, and Spanish.